среда, 6 февраля 2019 г.

Задание для 3В, 3Д, 3Е классов

Уп. 1 (дикт.), 2, 3 с. 90-91. 

Задание для 9Б класса

Выполнить уп. 1-6  с. 88; повторить слова и грамматику Мод. 5.
Выполнить тест.

Form 9                                      
Test 5
I.     Fill in: plot, anonymous, spray, all-star, miniature, artistic, action, difficulties, box office, special.
1.      There is an interesting ….. in this film.
2.      This film has an ….. cast.
3.      That artist had learning ….. when he was a young student, and only felt happy when he was painting.
4.      The Harry Potter films were a ….. success.
5.      Graffiti artists use ….. paint.
6.      His ….. sculptures include a cat on an eyelash.
7.      Tom shows a lot of ….. creativity; he should think about becoming a professional photographer.
8.      Some graffiti artists want to remain ….. .
9.      Armageddon is a(n) ….. -packed  film.
10.  Teenagers loves films with great ….. effects.

II.  Complete the sentences with the correct comparative/superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. She was ….. (amusing) girl I have ever met.
2. He's a far ….. (intelligent) person than my brother.
3. She was ….. (practical) of the family.
4. He felt ….. (bad) yesterday than the day before.
5. What do you think of my ….. (late) films?
6. Andy is getting ….. and ….. (good) at playing chess.
7. He turned out to be  ….. (angry) than I had expected.
8. Today I'm no ….. (wise) than yesterday.
9. This juice is ….. (good) than I ever tasted.
10. Jack is the ….. (clever) of three brothers.

III.         Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-.
1.      My parents usually ….. about which film to go and see. (agree)
2.      They ….. us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back.(charge)
3.      The foreigners are difficult to understand because they ….. many Russian words.(pronounce)
4.      You should ….. your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)
5.      We were sorry to realise that we …..  in the shop. (pay)

IV.    Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
1.      Pushkin is one of the best poet ….. all time.
2.      He is popular ….. fans of art cinema.
3.      This director is famous ….. his comedies.
4.      Who stars ….. Pirates of the Caribbean?
5.      The paintings add value ….. the house.

V.       Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.
1.      I think we should run …. this scene one more time.
2.      Laura ran ….. her best friend at auction.
3.      We ran ….. potatoes. – I’ll go and buy some.
4.      The driver nearly ran ….. a dog when it jumped in front of his car.
5.      Jim ran ….. from home when he was ten years old.

Задание для 9В, 9Г классов

Form 9                                      
Test 5
I.     Fill in: plot, anonymous, spray, all-star, miniature, artistic, action, difficulties, box office, special.
1.      There is an interesting ….. in this film.
2.      This film has an ….. cast.
3.      That artist had learning ….. when he was a young student, and only felt happy when he was painting.
4.      The Harry Potter films were a ….. success.
5.      Graffiti artists use ….. paint.
6.      His ….. sculptures include a cat on an eyelash.
7.      Tom shows a lot of ….. creativity; he should think about becoming a professional photographer.
8.      Some graffiti artists want to remain ….. .
9.      Armageddon is a(n) ….. -packed  film.
10.  Teenagers loves films with great ….. effects.

II.  Complete the sentences with the correct comparative/superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. She was ….. (amusing) girl I have ever met.
2. He's a far ….. (intelligent) person than my brother.
3. She was ….. (practical) of the family.
4. He felt ….. (bad) yesterday than the day before.
5. What do you think of my ….. (late) films?
6. Andy is getting ….. and ….. (good) at playing chess.
7. He turned out to be  ….. (angry) than I had expected.
8. Today I'm no ….. (wise) than yesterday.
9. This juice is ….. (good) than I ever tasted.
10. Jack is the ….. (clever) of three brothers.

III.         Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-.
1.      My parents usually ….. about which film to go and see. (agree)
2.      They ….. us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back.(charge)
3.      The foreigners are difficult to understand because they ….. many Russian words.(pronounce)
4.      You should ….. your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)
5.      We were sorry to realise that we …..  in the shop. (pay)

IV.    Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
1.      Pushkin is one of the best poet ….. all time.
2.      He is popular ….. fans of art cinema.
3.      This director is famous ….. his comedies.
4.      Who stars ….. Pirates of the Caribbean?
5.      The paintings add value ….. the house.

V.       Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.
1.      I think we should run …. this scene one more time.
2.      Laura ran ….. her best friend at auction.
3.      We ran ….. potatoes. – I’ll go and buy some.
4.      The driver nearly ran ….. a dog when it jumped in front of his car.
5.      Jim ran ….. from home when he was ten years old.

пятница, 1 февраля 2019 г.

Задание для 7В, 7Г, 7Д

Class _____________________


Exercise 1. Write the English equivalents for the following.
  1. Летать на пиратском корабле___________________________________________
  2. Кататься на чертовом колесе ___________________________________________
  3. Смотреть на артистов трапеции_________________________________________
  4. Кататься на водных горках______________________________________________
  5. Исследовать особняк с привидениями ___________________________________
  6. Есть сахарную вату____________________________________________________
  7. Отправиться в путешествие на ракете_____________________________________
  8. Кататься на американских горках_________________________________________
  9. Осматривать известные достопримечательности____________________________
  10. Встретить привидение __________________________________________________

Exercise 2. Put “round”, “back”, “across” and “out” where necessary.

  1. Last IMAGINE DRAGONS’s CD has come ___________ lately.
  2. You can come ____________ there at any time you want.
  3. We prepared 3 days for coming __________ our grandmother in New York.
  4. If you spend a little bit more time, you can come ____________ this book here.

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Present Perfect).
  1. He _______________________to New York? (to be)
  2. You __________________ Mary? (to see) – Yes, she just_______________________ this room. (to leave)
  3. They ___________________________for their party yet? (to prepare)
  4. She never_______________________ abroad. (to be)
  5. They just __________________________ their homework. (to finish)
  6. I ____________________________her for 2 years. (not to see)

Exercise 4. Read the short text below.

Who was the Queen of Crime? Agatha Cristie, of course, the world’s best known mystery writer. Agatha Cristie was born in Devon, England in 1890 and she created many fictional detectives. The most famous are and Miss Marple. Hercule Poirot is a Belgian detective famous with his neat appearance and his obsession with order and his use of psychology in his investigations of crimes. Miss Marple, on the other hand, is nothing like a typical detective. At first glance, she is an ordinary old lady who loves knitting and gossip, but she can solve the hardest mysteries and puts mane criminals behind bars.
  1. Answer the following questions:
  1. Who was Agatha Cristie? ____________________________________________
  1. What was Hercule Poirot famous with? __________________________________
  1. What did Miss Marple look like? _________________________________________
  1. Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False).
  1. H. Poirot was a famous French detective. _____________
  2. Miss Marple was young and beautiful lady.____________
  3. Agatha Cristie was born in Devon. England.____________
  4. Agatha Cristie created many fictional detectives. ________
  5. Agatha Cristie is the world’s best known famous writer._______

Задание для 3Г, 3Д классов

Уп. 1, 2 (прочитать, ответить на вопросы) с. 146.

Задание для 9 В, 9Г классов

Spotlight on Russua c. 7  Tretyakov Gallery - пересказ  (1, 2 абзацы - на "4" , 3,4,5 - на  "5")

Задание для 9 Б класса

Уп. 2, 3 с. 86 - 87. Слова  Across the Curriculum - выучить.